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TFE Dogbone Boot Install Multi-Tool

SKU: TT159


TFE Dogbone Boot Install Multi-Tool 



Product Description:
Team FastEddy has developed a simple multi-tool for working with your dogbones. The primary function is to effortlessly install your boots without ripping or tearing them. Insert your dogbone into the end of your tool, add some lubrication, and effortlessly slide your boot onto the dogbone without damaging them. Other features of this tool include an easy way to center your pins while assembling aftermarket bones. The hole in the center of the tool will allow you to insert the set screw and tighten it with a hex wrench. Put the tool on the other side of your bone while using a hex wrench inserted into the cross hole for leverage, and tighten the set screw. The Team FastEddy Boot Installation tool is compatible with the HPI Stock bones, HD bones, and all available aftermarket bones. Also compatible with the Skunkworks CVs.